Friday, December 4, 2015

Hunger Games Chapter 22-24 questions

December 4,

These are the questions that you need to complete today. We may read Chapter 25 if you are finished.


Thursday, December 3, 2015

December 3, 2015 Chapter 23 and 24

Hello Kippsters!

While I am out today, you will need to complete these things.
                  ( Team leaders for District 1, 4, 7, 10 take note of the time you stopped reading and the page number. Thank you!)

1. Your Do Now- You have 8 minutes to complete it.
2. You will be reading Chapter 23 and Chapter 24.
3. You will be responsible for completing the plot line for chapter 23 only.
Click here If you forgot about the Plot Line!

                        Exposition- The beginning of the chapter.
                        Rising action-  The introduction to the conflict or problem
                        Climax- When the character faces the conflict
                        Falling action- What happens after the character faces the conflict?
                        Resolution ( End)- What happens at the end of the chapter?

CLUE: Find what the major conflict is in the chapter! It will help!

4. This plot diagram is your Lifework! Make sure you keep it safe. It will be collected tomorrow.

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

THANKSGIVING Reading!! Chapter 17-20

Hello KIPPsters!

I hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving break!
Remember that your are responsible for reading Chapters 17-20 before December 30, 2015

I have attached the videos below and the link to the pdf of the book.

Click here to read the Hunger Games novel online

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Hello KIPPsters,

I have attached the audio book for Chapter 12 and 13.

You must finish reading Chapters 12 and 13 by Monday November 16, 2015

Click on the link below to open the online version of the book.

 Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Games Have Begun...

1.KWBAT read Chapter 11 and 2 articles from News Ela by Monday November 2, 2015

2. KWBAT answer quiz questions for two New Ela articles

This week you will be reading some articles on

Look at the board in order to find your class code and read the instructions below about how to register.

Go to this link for instructions:

News Ela Instructions

-The Article you must read is called "Hunger Games" salute now banned by Thailand's military leaders

Pick one of the two below
-Injuries on the rise as zip-lining attracts more riders, study finds
-The rising cost of school sports is keeping more kids off the team

Reading level for each district

District 1,4,7,10 - You need to read the article labeled  1010L
District 2,5,8,11- You need to read the article labeled 940L
District 3, 6,9,14- You need to read the article labeled 680L

Use the audio book to assist your reading of Chapter 11.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

All the way turned up!

Haha, I hoped that you all had an amazing Monday off. I personally did. I went to see my old students and co-workers, which was nice, but they weren't you guys!

So, welcome back!

This week you are responsible for some questions for Chapter 4-7. You have a printed out copy to help support you as well.

Your answers need to be typed up by 9 p.m. Thursday, October 15! The written version will be turned into class on Friday!

I have attached the audio book for Chapter 8-9 below. You must finish Chapter 9 by the end of Friday!

Good Luck! And May the Odds be ever in your favor!

-Ms. Agbim

chapter 8

chapter 9

P.S. I always hustle, do you have the GRIT to do the same?

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Hunger Games Chapter 4-7


If you said "Hey!", you just gave me life! Thank you!

Class of 2021 We have been reading the Hunger Games together as a class. I am going to begin to challenge you to read individually with the online audio book as a guide. There will be a number of chapters that you must get through by the end of the week. You may move at your own pace, and you may read ahead if you want.

Those of you who would like to read the next novels in the series, that is perfectly fine as well.
 (This will be part of the requirement to go on the Bid trip to see Mockingjay pt. 2)

You are to read to Chapter 7 by Thursday October 8.

Answer these recap questions first:

                                  Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7