Sunday, October 4, 2015

Hunger Games Chapter 4-7


If you said "Hey!", you just gave me life! Thank you!

Class of 2021 We have been reading the Hunger Games together as a class. I am going to begin to challenge you to read individually with the online audio book as a guide. There will be a number of chapters that you must get through by the end of the week. You may move at your own pace, and you may read ahead if you want.

Those of you who would like to read the next novels in the series, that is perfectly fine as well.
 (This will be part of the requirement to go on the Bid trip to see Mockingjay pt. 2)

You are to read to Chapter 7 by Thursday October 8.

Answer these recap questions first:

                                  Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

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