Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Chapter 8

Why is bottled water more expensive than bottled soft drinks? 

Today we are going to analyze how we Americans eat our food, and if that is affecting our health negatively?

      Do Now
Below your are going to answer the same question two times. The first time you will answer it and then support your answer with the book. The second time you will answer the question using the video to support your answer.

Watch this video below to answer the question the second time.
 ( Do this only if the video above did not work)

Omnivore's Dilemma Chapter 8

Make sure you are taking notes, and putting them in the proper format

The outside of the flap should have the SOAPSTone questions.

The inside of the flap should have the answers to those questions.

S- Who is the person giving us information or trying to persuade us?
O- What is the time or place? What makes this important at this time?
A- Who did the author intend to read the text?
P- What is the author's purpose? (P.I.E)
S- What person place or thing is the author focused on?
 What is he saying about the subject?
Tone- What is the author's attitude towards the subject?

After reading Chapter 8

1.Watch the video about childhood obesity. 

2. Create a subheading in your notebook titled: Childhood Obesity
3.Write and answer these questions in your notebook: 
-According to the video what are the dangers associated with being an overweight child?
-Anthony's mom claims that she fed him healthy foods before his drastic weight gain, the viewer can infer that Anthony still gained weight because?
4. Make sure you add the subheading to the table of contents with the page number.

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