Friday, February 26, 2016

Food Labels- How Do You Know What's Healthy?

Good Morning,

For your Do Now today you are going to watch the videos below and answer the following questions in your notebook.

1.The director of this video is using what persuasive technique to convince viewers to read the labels on the food they eat?

2.Why might some foods that are labeled healthy, not necessarily be so healthy?

3.According to Dr. Burke, why do kids have the right to be picky about what they eat?

Jamie Oliver: Fast Food from Nourish on Vimeo.

4. Why isn't fast food so bad?

5. According to the speaker, what is missing in the fast food that we tend to eat?

6. According to the speaker, how often should we eat fast food?

Then Go to link and finish Omnivores Dilemma Chapter 3 and 5 Test KIPP Courage Illuminate

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