Thursday, March 31, 2016

Author's Purpose Synonyms

Happy Friday Eve!

KIPPsters today you will finish reading your assigned chapters for Omnivore's Dilemma and work in groups to share the information.
Lifework today is a sentence completion worksheet: I have placed it here on the blog.

If you don't have internet at home, I strongly suggest that you figure out  a time today to copy the work down.

You will be required to write the sentence and underline the answer in the 

Do Now

For your Do Now today you will type the synonyms you found for each author's purpose verb: Persuade, Inform, Entertain.  

After you complete the DO NOW: You need to watch the video and try to guess what the author's purpose of each example is before the cartoon characters do. Have fun!

NOW FOR THE PROJECT WORK: Omnivore's Dilemma

Your group is responsible for reading, summarizing and SOAPStoning Chapters 1-9

Each member will need each of these chapters SOAPSToned properly in their notebook for each teammate to get a point.
Your group is responsible for reading, summarizing, and SOAPStoning Chapters  10-17

Your group will be responsible for creating main idea questions for the class to answer based on your chapters.

Each member will need each of these chapters SOAPSToned properly in their notebook for each teammate to get a point.
Your group is responsible for reading, summarizing, and SOAPStoning Chapters 18-22 as well as:
The Omnivore’s Solution: Some tips for eating
Your group will have to do some historical research on a popular dish.

Each member will need each of these chapters SOAPSToned properly in their notebook for each teammate to get a point.

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