Friday, March 11, 2016


Bonjour 2021, 

While walking through school I realized that not many KIPPsters (big and little) say good morning to each other. This personally made me sad, so I am proposing that 2021 start a movement and make a point to say "good morning" and "good afternoon" to people when passing them in the hallway. I have learned that each person you greet feels better about their day when acknowledged.

Let's show some gratitude! Oh and have a great Spring Break!

Here's something I read that supports that idea.


Level 0: You ignore people completely
Level 1: A somewhat unintelligible grunt
Level 2: Saying good morning without looking at people
Level 3: Make eye contact as you say good morning
Level 4: Also say something more than just good morning, e.g. “How are you?” or something more personal.
Level 5: Also touch the other person – e.g. a handshake or a pat on the shoulder. You can even hug, but only if you want to :-)
Please do not underestimate the effect of something as simple as saying good morning at school or work. 
At what level are the typical good mornings in your school? And what would happen if you took it to level 5?

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