Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Welcome to STAARbooks!

Today we will begin working on our STAARbooks work.

 If your class still needs to complete the test or presentations, we will finish that today. 

You are still responsible for choosing a Guided Practice packet today! Part of your packet is your Lifework.

Check out the new blog, it will be up and running soon-

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Presentation day 2

Presentations are Today!

I know you will make them juicy!

Please Complete Do Now Sentence Completion 2.6 on Illuminate.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Today you will be presenting!

First you need to complete your  DO NOW Sentence Completion 1.8 on Illuminate. You have 10 minutes

Then Complete the questions below.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Project Work Day

Happy Monday KIPPsters!

Today you will finish your projects. Tomorrow is the first day of presentations.

Order of Events today:
1. Complete your Do Now- It is timed (8 minutes)
2. If you haven't already, share your presentation with Ms.Agbim
3. Finish your project. If you finish your Do Now in a timely fashion, you should have 40 minutes of work time.

Answer questions from your Friday Lifework on Illuminate: Sentence Completion 2
It is timed-8 minutes

Share your presentation with Ms. Agbim

Review the Rubric:

Context clue question stems: Use these to help write your questions ( GRANDE ONLY)
 What does the word ________ mean in paragraph ____?
 In paragraph _____, the word ______means --
Main Idea question stems: Use these question stems to help write your questions ( VENTI AND GRANDE ONLY)
 Which phrase from __________helps the reader understand the meaning of the word ______in paragraph______?
Paragraph____ is mainly about --
 Which sentence expresses the main idea of the selection?
 Paragraph____ focuses primarily on —
Make sure that you have completed all requirements by the end of the class period.Work with group:

Friday, April 1, 2016

Omnivore's Dilemma Project Work Day

2021 Knows How to
 Work Hard,
 Be Nice,
 and Have Fun..


Today for your Do Now, you will go on Illuminate and use your Lifework to help answer the questions.

After that you will have majority of class time to work on your projects with your group.

You only have 10 minutes for your DO Now. I will not resend it to you if you run out of time.

Click on the link to access your Do Now:

If you don't have internet at home, you will need to copy down the questions and answers in class. If you do have internet at home then you can copy it later.

Classwork: Share your presentation with 
Ms.Agbim ( ms.agbim@gmail.com )

Rubric for Omnivore's Dilemma

 Completion Tracker:

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Author's Purpose Synonyms

Happy Friday Eve!

KIPPsters today you will finish reading your assigned chapters for Omnivore's Dilemma and work in groups to share the information.
Lifework today is a sentence completion worksheet: I have placed it here on the blog.

If you don't have internet at home, I strongly suggest that you figure out  a time today to copy the work down.

You will be required to write the sentence and underline the answer in the 

Do Now

For your Do Now today you will type the synonyms you found for each author's purpose verb: Persuade, Inform, Entertain.  

After you complete the DO NOW: You need to watch the video and try to guess what the author's purpose of each example is before the cartoon characters do. Have fun!

NOW FOR THE PROJECT WORK: Omnivore's Dilemma

Your group is responsible for reading, summarizing and SOAPStoning Chapters 1-9

Each member will need each of these chapters SOAPSToned properly in their notebook for each teammate to get a point.
Your group is responsible for reading, summarizing, and SOAPStoning Chapters  10-17

Your group will be responsible for creating main idea questions for the class to answer based on your chapters.

Each member will need each of these chapters SOAPSToned properly in their notebook for each teammate to get a point.
Your group is responsible for reading, summarizing, and SOAPStoning Chapters 18-22 as well as:
The Omnivore’s Solution: Some tips for eating
Your group will have to do some historical research on a popular dish.

Each member will need each of these chapters SOAPSToned properly in their notebook for each teammate to get a point.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Oversharing- Main Idea Review and Groups

Good Day Kippsters!

Using social media has become a very significant part of people's every day lives.
Today for your Do Now please watch the video and write the main idea of the video. Remember that main idea is the subject plus what the author is saying about the subject.

Do Now: Watch this video and answer the following questions

Look to the screen for your groups. I will give you more information about groups and projects tomorrow.

Today you are responsible for reading these chapters.

Your group is responsible for reading, summarizing and SOAPStone Chapters 1-9
Your group is responsible for reading, summarizing, and SOAPStone Chapters  10-17

Your group will be responsible for creating main idea questions for the class to answer based on your chapters.
Your group is responsible for reading, summarizing, and SOAPStone Chapters 18-22 as well as:
The Omnivore’s Solution: Some tips for eating
Your group will have to do some historical research on a popular dish.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Dictionary Dive

Hello KIPPsters!

Today we are going to be focusing on utilizing our dictionaries in preparation for your WRITING STAAR tomorrow.

You will need to go to illuminate after you complete your DO NOW and finish the two activities.

1. Do Now
2. STAAR Dictionary- Guided Practice Log on to Illuminate
3. STAAR Dictionary- Peer Practice Log on to Illuminate
4. Peer Editing Papers - Ms. Agbim will give you instructions on what to do

Your Lifework- You are writing a thank you letter to Mrs. Newton for helping you prepare for the Writing STAAR. You must include an example of a time she helped you in your letter.


Thursday, March 24, 2016

You and You're and other Homophones

Today is Thursday, but it's really like a Friday because there is...

Our Goals:

KWBAT analyze a prompt and transform it into a question.

KWBAT differentiate between homophones like your and you're

KWBAT finish writing their essay and peer editing.


Watch the videos for the Homophones Your and You're as well as the very short video for It and It's. Then Play the two Quizlet Gravity games and finally answer the questions that follow.

Play the game below: See if you're understanding the difference.

Here is the short video explaining the difference between Its and It's

Play the Games below to figure out if you have mastered the homophones.

Now That you have finished with that, transform the following prompts into questions.

Now You're going to finish the rough draft you started yesterday.This must be finished before you leave class today.

Ms. Agbim has your paper. Collect it from her and...

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Brussels Attack

Dear 2021 KIPPsters,

Yesterday an atrocious act was committed against the people of Belgium, in the city of Brussels. I recall having a discussion with you all about Paris and the attacks that happened earlier in the school year. I want you all to be informed international citizens.

Today's Do Now: You need to click on the link below and read the article:

Bombs explode in Belgian airport, train station (850L)
Belgium hit by multiple bombings, at least 31 dead (1020L)*only for KIPPsters who scored 80% or higher on the mock STAAR

click on me to read NewsELA Brussels Article

After reading the Article and answering questions watch the video until 4:00 marker.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Hey You Over There!

Hello!  We now have 3 school days left before your Writing STAAR. KIPPsters shouldn't be scared or chicken about the test, instead they should use this time wisely, prepare, and get gritty!

So here are our goals today:

1. Review the homophones they're, there, and their.
2. Analyze a prompt and write an essay

Do Now

Watch the two videos and answer the following questions. You have 10 minutes after the bell to complete this.

For Those of You Brilliant Children Who Have Completed This! Start on your prompt for tomorrow.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Welcome Back! Let's Get Gritty!


Hello KIPPsters!!

Would I be lying, if I said I missed you? 

Our goal today is to:
1. Analyze STAAR writing samples and infer the scoring based on the rubric.
2. We are going to write our own essay using the same prompt, keeping in mind what we learned from the essay.
3. We must always keep in mind that the reader should be able to determine our main idea and supporting details.

Watch the Video, then in the space below describe what Grit is according to the video.

Friday, March 11, 2016


Bonjour 2021, 

While walking through school I realized that not many KIPPsters (big and little) say good morning to each other. This personally made me sad, so I am proposing that 2021 start a movement and make a point to say "good morning" and "good afternoon" to people when passing them in the hallway. I have learned that each person you greet feels better about their day when acknowledged.

Let's show some gratitude! Oh and have a great Spring Break!

Here's something I read that supports that idea.


Level 0: You ignore people completely
Level 1: A somewhat unintelligible grunt
Level 2: Saying good morning without looking at people
Level 3: Make eye contact as you say good morning
Level 4: Also say something more than just good morning, e.g. “How are you?” or something more personal.
Level 5: Also touch the other person – e.g. a handshake or a pat on the shoulder. You can even hug, but only if you want to :-)
Please do not underestimate the effect of something as simple as saying good morning at school or work. 
At what level are the typical good mornings in your school? And what would happen if you took it to level 5?

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Howdy 2021!

I just want to say that..

Your future is so bright...

Today we are being introduced to idioms. 2021 KIPPsters your goal is to identify and analyze the meaning of idioms used in text!   I'm so excited and would feel on top of the world if we all mastered this lesson today!
He had to wear shades

For your Do Now Today!
1. Watch the video below about idioms and then answer the questions below


2. After you watch the videos, answer the questions below.

2. Answer the 5 questions about Idioms on Illuminate Idiom Introduction

3. Read both texts below and SOAPSTone them in your notebook.
1.Teen Reading Survey and  2.Take a Book Wherever You Go
 The inside of the flap should have the answers to those questions.

S- Who is the person giving us information or trying to persuade us?
O- What is the time or place? What makes this important at this time?
A- Who did the author intend to read the text?
P- What is the author's purpose? (P.I.E)
S- What person place or thing is the author focused on?
 What is he saying about the subject?
Tone- What is the author's attitude towards the subject?


4.Begin the assessment on illuminate.

First complete the vocabulary, then the informational text questions
1. Introduction to Idioms
3. Infotext questions

5. You will receive free time on Friday if you have mastered and completed all of these items!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Context Clues, what are they?


Today we are going to focus on the skills and techniques you should use when answering context clue questions

 Do Now
 is on illuminate.
Click on this link to get to your Do Now. You have 10 minutes.

After your Do Now.

You should answer the classwork questions below.


Monday, March 7, 2016




You have 10 minutes to complete it!
Go to this link 

After you are done with your DO NOW watch this video

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Childhood Obesity in America

Hello 2021!

Today is Thursday, but it is really a Friday for you all because there is no school tomorrow!


Today KIPPsters will be able Watch  the videos with information and statistics about childhood obesity in America.

Read the prompt 
Then Write your opinion and support it with information they have learned


The government has noticed that the obesity rates in America are very high. They are considering imposing strict diets on all children in the United States in order to help reduce obesity rates


Do you support the government decision, why or why not?

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

March Madness and Air Force Ones

ALOHA 2021

Today we are going to be analyzing the errors that we made on the Mock STAAR, so that we can improve!

Many people refer to this month as:

Mainly because of basketball, but I am going to steal this terminology for our review and mastering these skills.

Below are some videos of me modeling using SOAPSTone and PIE to help me during testing

1. Everyone has to watch the SOAPSTone Review
2. SOAPSTone and Testing video.
3. Watch the videos for the questions you got wrong and work through them with me
4. Exit Ticket ( You will have an opportunity to answer similar questions for a different text)

Good Luck! It's Game Time, so remember...


Complete DO NOW 7.10D

Everyone Needs to Watch This!

Everyone Needs to Watch This Video and  SOAPSTone their article

Air Force One Question 1

Air Force One Question 2

Air Force One Question 3

Air Force One Question 4

Air Force One Question 5

Air Force One Question 6

Air Force One Question 7

Air Force One Question 8

Air Force One Question 9

Air Force One Question 10

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Chapter 9


Today we will analyze our progress on our recent benchmark. We are doing this so that we can  fix any problems that we might have.

Do Now

How do you think you did on the Reading STAAR? Explain why, and what you will do to do better or keep up the good work.

3 complete sentences.

When you are done you will wait for your packets to be handed out, please work on your lifework. The first 5 questions are assigned for tonight!

You will have 10 minutes to complete it on KIPP Illuminate

When you are done you will set up your notebooks and prepare to read chapter 9 as a class.

What does Ms. Agbim mean when she states "set up your notebook?" well the image below is an example.


Friday, February 26, 2016

Food Labels- How Do You Know What's Healthy?

Good Morning,

For your Do Now today you are going to watch the videos below and answer the following questions in your notebook.

1.The director of this video is using what persuasive technique to convince viewers to read the labels on the food they eat?

2.Why might some foods that are labeled healthy, not necessarily be so healthy?

3.According to Dr. Burke, why do kids have the right to be picky about what they eat?

Jamie Oliver: Fast Food from Nourish on Vimeo.

4. Why isn't fast food so bad?

5. According to the speaker, what is missing in the fast food that we tend to eat?

6. According to the speaker, how often should we eat fast food?

Then Go to link and finish Omnivores Dilemma Chapter 3 and 5 Test KIPP Courage Illuminate

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Chapter 8

Why is bottled water more expensive than bottled soft drinks? 

Today we are going to analyze how we Americans eat our food, and if that is affecting our health negatively?

      Do Now
Below your are going to answer the same question two times. The first time you will answer it and then support your answer with the book. The second time you will answer the question using the video to support your answer.

Watch this video below to answer the question the second time.
 ( Do this only if the video above did not work)

Omnivore's Dilemma Chapter 8

Make sure you are taking notes, and putting them in the proper format

The outside of the flap should have the SOAPSTone questions.

The inside of the flap should have the answers to those questions.

S- Who is the person giving us information or trying to persuade us?
O- What is the time or place? What makes this important at this time?
A- Who did the author intend to read the text?
P- What is the author's purpose? (P.I.E)
S- What person place or thing is the author focused on?
 What is he saying about the subject?
Tone- What is the author's attitude towards the subject?

After reading Chapter 8

1.Watch the video about childhood obesity. 

2. Create a subheading in your notebook titled: Childhood Obesity
3.Write and answer these questions in your notebook: 
-According to the video what are the dangers associated with being an overweight child?
-Anthony's mom claims that she fed him healthy foods before his drastic weight gain, the viewer can infer that Anthony still gained weight because?
4. Make sure you add the subheading to the table of contents with the page number.